Delray Beach South Beach FL Courthouse and Clerk

Delray Beach Courthouse and Clerk Address

Go To Delray Beach Courthouse

Looking at the census of the 2010 in the United States of America, in Delray beach where its courthouse is located, we can observe that, there were 34,156 households, beyond that is interesting to know that in 2000, 18.9% of the families had children with less than 18 years of age with them, 42.4% were married couples living together, 43.7% were non-families and 10.2% had a female householder with no husband with them. Individuals were 35.3% of all households, and the persons of 65 years of age or older that lived alone were 18.3%. The median size of the families was2.87 and the size of the average household was 2.22.

Delray Beach Courthouse Cases

Delray Beach Courthouse Documents Submision

Delray Beach Courthouse Phone Number And Email

Delray Beach Courthouse Hours

8:00 am- 4:00 pm

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