McMinn County Jail Inmate Roster

To locate an inmate within the McMinn County Jail Inmate roster, use the Inmate Search Tool on the official website. This online resource is frequently updated and provides comprehensive information about individuals currently held in the facility. Visit the Inmate Search Tool page. Enter the inmate's Booking Number, Last Name, or First Name in the search field. If the information is correct and the inmate is indeed housed in the jail, their details will appear in the search results. It is important to remember that this search tool is case-sensitive. Make sure to correctly capitalize names and check spelling for accurate results. If the search doesn't yield any results, it might be due to the individual being recently booked or released. In such cases, allow some time for the database to update. Prison Roster McMinn County Jail's Prison Roster provides valuable details about current inmates. It includes the Booking Number, Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, Release Date, and Criminal Charges. The Booking Number is a unique identifier given to every inmate at the time of booking. It is a quick way to pull up an inmate's record. The Last Name and First Name fields contain the inmate's full legal name as it was entered at the time of booking. The Date of Birth field helps differentiate inmates with similar names. The Release Date is listed when an inmate has a court-ordered release date. Please note this is subject to change, depending on the inmate's behavior and other factors. The Criminal Charges field provides information about the crimes the inmate is accused of committing. For more accurate and precise information, use a combination of these identifiers to narrow down the search results. If you can't find the inmate using this method, it is recommended to contact the jail directly via their Contact Us page. The detention center staff can provide guidance and potentially more up-to-date information. Advanced Inmate Search Tips If you're having difficulty locating an inmate using the basic search methods, consider these additional strategies: Alternate spellings: Try using alternate spellings or variations of the inmate's name. This may help if there was a typo or a less common version of the name was used during the booking process. Date ranges: If you have an idea of when the individual might have been booked into the McMinn County Jail, you can try using date ranges in your search. This can help narrow down the search results, especially for common names. Comprehensive Details in the Prison Roster The prison roster also includes other essential details that can aid in the process of inmate search: Inmate's Physical Characteristics: Details such as height, weight, hair color, and eye color may be listed. This information can be useful if you're trying to confirm the identity of an inmate. Booking Date/Time: The exact date and time when the inmate was booked into the detention facility are usually recorded. Assigned Housing Location: This indicates the specific area within the jail where the inmate is currently housed. Bail/Bond Amount: If applicable, the bail or bond amount set by the court for the inmate's release will be listed. If the information you need isn't available online or if the inmate search yields no results, it may be beneficial to reach out directly to the McMinn County Jail staff. They can provide the most recent information and assist with more complex search queries. The jail can be contacted through their Contact Page or directly via phone at (423) 745-5620.


McMinn County Jail Visitations

The jail permits inmates to receive social visits from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm on weekdays, and 7:30 am to 2:30 pm on weekends. The visits only last 15 minutes. You can only visit an inmate if you appear on their visitation list, which they fill upon being booked and processed to the jail.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, there are no in-person visits for family and friends at this time. Video visitation is available, but you need to register a user account and schedule your visit in advance. You can also use e-messaging, phone, and mail services to communicate with the inmates.

McMinn County Criminality Data

McMinn County Jail Address

McMinn County Jail Phone and Hours

McMinn County Jail

The McMinn County Jail is a place in Tennessee where people who are accused or convicted of crimes are held. The jail is run by the sheriff’s office, which is responsible for law enforcement, court security, and inmate supervision. The jail can hold up to 350 inmates, who are either waiting for their trial, serving their sentence, or being transferred to another facility. The jail has different programs and services for the inmates, such as phone, mail, visitation, commissary, and e-messaging. The jail also has a history that dates back to the 19th century, when it was first established in Calhoun, then moved to Athens, and finally expanded to its current location on South White Street.

McMinn County Jail Inmates Roster Age Distribution

  • The chart reveals that the majority of the inmates are between 25 and 44 years old, accounting for 17.5% of the total inmates each.
  • The chart also reveals that there are no inmates under 18 years old, and that the inmates over 55 years old make up 11.1% of the total inmates.
  • The chart suggests that the McMinn County Jail has a relatively young inmate population, with a median age of around 35 years old.

McMinn County Jail Roster Inmates Demographics

  • The chart shows the demographics of the inmates in the McMinn County Jail as of midyear 2021.
  • The chart has three columns: Race/Ethnicity, Number of Inmates, and Percentage.
  • The chart has five rows, corresponding to five race/ethnicity groups: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Two or more races together.
  • The chart does not have any missing values or outliers.
  • The chart reveals that the majority of the inmates are White, accounting for 40% of the total inmates.
  • The chart also reveals that the Black inmates make up 28% of the total inmates, followed by the Hispanic inmates with 15%.
  • The chart suggests that the McMinn County Jail has a relatively diverse inmate population, with a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds.

McMinn County Jail Roster Inmates by Criminal Charges

  • The data shows the criminal charges of the inmates in the McMinn County Jail as of midyear 2021.
  • The data has three columns: Charge, Number of Inmates, and Percentage.
  • The data has nine rows, corresponding to nine types of charges: Aggravated Assault, Burglary, DUI, Domestic Violence, Drug Possession, Fraud, Theft, Possession of a Weapon by a Felon, and Other Charges.
  • The data does not have any missing values or outliers.
  • The data reveals that the most common charge among the inmates is Aggravated Assault, accounting for 2.4% of the total inmates.
  • The data also reveals that the least common charges are Possession of a Weapon by a Felon and Other Charges, each accounting for less than 0.5% of the total inmates.
  • The data suggests that the McMinn County Jail has a relatively low rate of violent and serious crimes, as most of the charges are related to property or substance offenses.


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